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May 9, 2024

NC Native Plant Reference Guide

These native plants are well-suited to North Carolina’s climate and soil conditions, making them ideal choices for creating a vibrant and sustainable pollinator garden. By incorporating a diverse selection of species, you can ensure year-round color and habitat for a wide range of beneficial insects and wildlife. Print the NC Native Pollinator Plant reference guide. 

May 9, 2024

Ask an Expert: Debbie Roos and Pollinator Conservation

Debbie Roos has been an agent with NC Cooperative Extension in Chatham County since 1999. She is an esteemed resource for her knowledge and passion for pollinator conservation. She maintains a demonstration garden, “Pollinator Paradise,” where she holds regular tours and captures beautiful educational photos. If you can’t visit the garden, check out her website, Growing… 

Mar 9, 2024

Polinator Matching Activity

Remember honey bees aren’t the only pollinators! Use this printable Pollinator Matching Game developed by the University of Georgia to learn about the flower traits that attract specific pollinators. Dive even deeper with this Flower Traits Slideshow for some amazing photos that show us what pollinators are looking for or how different flower traits guide them to the right… 

Mar 9, 2024

Don’t “Bee” Fooled by Pollinator Myths

In our school garden work, we often encounter teachers or schools who would like to plant a pollinator garden but are fearful that attracting bees will result in students being stung. It’s essential to recognize that bees play a crucial role in pollination, facilitating the reproduction of flowering plants, including many of the fruits, vegetables,… 

Jan 30, 2024

Introducing North Carolina’s Pollinators

While it may feel cold and dreary outside now, spring is just around the corner. The arrival of spring and spring flowers also ushers in the arrival of pollinators who are busy ensuring the reproduction of flowering plants. Have you ever wondered who our pollinators are? Let’s meet some of our North Carolina pollinators. Bees… 

Nov 23, 2023

Native Plants

There’s a lot of buzz about the benefits of native plants. Let’s take a look at a few of those benefits through our school garden lens.  1. Local Ecosystems  Creating (or protecting) an area that offers an authentic representation of your local ecosystem in (or near) the school garden helps students recognize plants they may observe in… 

Sep 23, 2023

Pollinator Q&A

You may also notice a recurring theme through our newsletters this year as we focus on pollinators. Join us as we explore this important aspect of nature, including how it can be incorporated into the school garden. To start things off, we’ll lay a foundation with some broad basics in this Q&A. Q: What is pollination? …