Call for Proposals: SGSI 2025
The NC State University School Garden Summer Institute invites educators, school garden advocates, and garden-based learning enthusiasts to submit proposals to share their expertise, strategies, and innovative ideas for utilizing school gardens to enrich learning and promote well-being. We seek engaging, practical presentations and workshops that inspire participants to make the most of school gardens as dynamic, educational spaces.
- Curriculum Connections: Share ideas for integrating school gardens into science, math, language arts, social studies, and more. Demonstrate how garden-based learning aligns with standards and enhances students’ understanding.
- Outdoor Classroom Management Strategies: Present effective techniques for maintaining order, safety and engagement in outdoor classroom settings, considering the unique challenges and rewards of teaching outside.
- Resiliency and Wellness: Offer sessions on how school gardens can nurture resilience, mental health, and social-emotional well-being in students and staff. Topics could include mindfulness, nature therapy, and stress reduction.
- Tasting and Nutrition: Share recipes, nutrition lessons, or programs that encourage healthier eating habits and an appreciation for fresh food.
- Beyond Raised Beds: Show us how you’ve gone beyond the traditional raised bed to create inspiring, unique garden spaces and structures, such as vertical gardens, wildlife habitats, pollinator gardens and hydroponics.
- Growing and Maintenance: Do you have a rock solid strategy for planting schedules, resources for pest management, expertise in soil health, or tips for climate-specific challenges? We can’t wait to hear about them.
Session Formats:
- 50-Minute Session: Presenters will share knowledge and strategies in a concise format, with opportunities for Q&A.
- 110-Minute Hands-On Workshop: Interactive, hands-on workshops that allow participants to apply concepts and gain practical skills.
Submission Deadline: December 2, 2024
Notification Date: December 13, 2024
Presentation Date(s): June 22-23, 2025
Submission Guidelines: Please submit your proposal(s) detailing the session title, category, format, and a brief description of your presentation or workshop. Be clear about the skills, knowledge or tools participants will gain.
Submission Link: SGSI 2025-Call for Proposals
Join us in making school gardens a thriving part of educational landscapes!
- Categories: