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Call for Proposals: SGSI 2025

The NC State University School Garden Summer Institute invites educators, school garden advocates, and garden-based learning enthusiasts to submit proposals to share their expertise, strategies, and innovative ideas for utilizing school gardens to enrich learning and promote well-being. We seek engaging, practical presentations and workshops that inspire participants to make the most of school gardens as dynamic, educational spaces.


  1. Curriculum Connections: Share ideas for integrating school gardens into science, math, language arts, social studies, and more. Demonstrate how garden-based learning aligns with standards and enhances students’ understanding.
  2. Outdoor Classroom Management Strategies: Present effective techniques for maintaining order, safety and engagement in outdoor classroom settings, considering the unique challenges and rewards of teaching outside.
  3. Resiliency and Wellness: Offer sessions on how school gardens can nurture resilience, mental health, and social-emotional well-being in students and staff. Topics could include mindfulness, nature therapy, and stress reduction.
  4. Tasting and Nutrition: Share recipes, nutrition lessons, or programs that encourage healthier eating habits and an appreciation for fresh food.
  5. Beyond Raised Beds: Show us how you’ve gone beyond the traditional raised bed to create inspiring, unique garden spaces and structures, such as vertical gardens, wildlife habitats, pollinator gardens and hydroponics.
  6. Growing and Maintenance: Do you have a rock solid strategy for planting schedules, resources for pest management, expertise in soil health, or tips for climate-specific challenges? We can’t wait to hear about them.

Session Formats:

  • 50-Minute Session: Presenters will share knowledge and strategies in a concise format, with opportunities for Q&A.
  • 110-Minute Hands-On Workshop: Interactive, hands-on workshops that allow participants to apply concepts and gain practical skills.

Submission Deadline: December 2, 2024

Notification Date: December 13, 2024

Presentation Date(s): June 22-23, 2025

Submission Guidelines: Please submit your proposal(s) detailing the session title, category, format, and a brief description of your presentation or workshop. Be clear about the skills, knowledge or tools participants will gain.

Submission Link: SGSI 2025-Call for Proposals

Join us in making school gardens a thriving part of educational landscapes!