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Join the New School Garden Facebook Group

This past year, I’ve had the privilege of meeting so many passionate educators, Extension agents and school garden volunteers through our school garden course, Building Gardens, Building Minds. Each interaction has been a source of inspiration, as I’ve learned about the incredible work being done across our state to create and utilize school gardens. These conversations have highlighted the wealth of knowledge and creativity within our community, and it got me thinking: How can we make it easier for everyone involved to connect, share ideas, and support one another?

I’m excited to announce the launch of our new Facebook group, Building Gardens Building Minds-School Garden Network! This group is designed to be a hub where educators and garden enthusiasts can come together to exchange ideas, ask questions, and offer support. Whether you’re just starting a garden at your school or have years of experience, this group is for you.

Why Facebook? We chose this platform because it offers a familiar and user-friendly space for discussion. You can easily share photos of your garden projects, post updates, and engage in real-time conversations with others who share your passion for school gardens. Plus, with Facebook’s widespread use, we can connect with a broader audience, ensuring that more voices and ideas are part of the conversation.

In this group, you’ll find:

  • Inspiration: See what others are doing in their school gardens and get ideas for your own projects.
  • Support: Have a question about garden planning, maintenance, or curriculum integration? Post it in the group and tap into a collective wealth of knowledge.
  • Collaboration: Discover opportunities to partner with others on projects or events, and share resources that can benefit everyone.

I truly believe that when we come together, we can make our school gardens—and our students’ experiences in them—better than ever. I encourage you to join the Building Gardens, Building Minds Facebook group today. Let’s continue to inspire and learn from one another as we grow our gardens and our minds. Join here.