Crop Guide – Radish
Common Name Radish
Scientific Name Raphanus sativus
Uses Edible; Root eaten raw in salads or sliced and dipped in hummus; Young leaves used in salads for cooked similar to spinach
Crop Timeline
- Direct Sow: sow ~1 month prior to target harvest
- Spring Planting: early March to early May
- Fall Planting: mid-September to mid-November
Planting tips
- Use the paper towel seeding method for easy even spacing. Broadcast seeding is also common.
- Fertilizer: Use organic fertilizers such as bone meal as radishes require a lot of P (phosphorus)
- Number of plants per square foot: 16
- Growing structures: None
- Frost protection: None
- Harvest 22-30 days after transplant
- Harvest when “shoulders” emerge and are approximately 1” in diameter (may vary by variety).
- Grasp radish at the base of the foliage and pull straight up.
- None of significance