Crop Guide – Carrot
Common Name Carrot
Scientific Name Daucus carota
Uses Edible; Fresh, salads, roasted
Crop Timeline
- Direct Sow
- Spring Planting: 3-5 weeks before first frost
- Fall Planting: 10 weeks before the first expected frost
Planting tips
- Use the paper towel seeding method for easy even spacing.
- Soil should be very loose and fine; free from rocks and clods.
- Carrots need full sun but cooler soil temperatures are helpful.
- Try planting nearby plants that will shade the soil especially in a raised bed where soil temperatures get warmer. Consistent moisture is also helpful for producing tasty carrots.
- Raised bed depth of 10-12 inches desirable for most carrots.
- Fertilizer: Use organic fertilizers such as bone meal as radishes require a lot of P (phosphorus)
- Number of plants per square foot: 16
- Growing structures: None
- Frost protection: None
- Harvest 60-80 days after sowing
- Harvest when “shoulders” emerge and are approximately 3/4 to 1” in diameter (may vary by variety).
- Grasp carrot at the base of the foliage and gently pull straight up.
- If carrots do not pull free easily, loosen surrounding soil with a garden fork.
- None of significance