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Crop Guide – Basil

Common Name Basil
Scientific Name Ocimum basilicum

Uses Edible; seasoning (fresh or dry); Medicinal (oil extract)

Crop Timeline

  • Sow seeds for transplant in February. Provide plenty of light for seedlings to avoid producing leggy plants.
  • Direct sow seeds a couple of weeks after the last frost. *Plants may not have developed significantly before school lets out for summer.
  • Transplants can be planted in the garden after the last frost and preferably when night time temperatures remain above 40 degrees. Basil thrives in a warm rootzone.

Planting tips

  • Plants should receive full sun in the morning but avoid areas that get scorching sun in the hottest part of the afternoon. 
  • Number of plants per square foot: 1
  • Pinch terminal shoot to encourage branching
  • Growing structures: None
  • Frost protection: Cover on nights that approach 32 degrees F. Temperatures below freezing will kill basil especially if not covered.


  • Harvest mature leaves continually throughout the growing season.
  • Harvest tips:  Harvest from the tips of each stem, just above a pair of leaves, new shoots will grow from each stem creating a fuller plant.
  • Always remove flowers as soon as they are observed to encourage more vegetative growth.


TypeNamePhotoPrevention/TreatmentMore Info
DiseaseDowny MildewPlant resistant varieties (Eg: Prospera)
InsectJapanese Beetle