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Crop Guide – Asparagus

Common Name Asparagus
Scientific Name Asparagus officinalis

Uses Edible; Good for grilling, steaming and roasting

Crop Timeline

  • Plant dormant, two-year-old crowns in winter, between mid-January and mid-March

Planting tips

  • Choose a full sun location.
  • Use the trench method to plant. Dig a trench 6 to 7 inches deep and 12 to 18 inches wide. Set crowns 5 to 8 inches apart and cover with 2 inches of soil. As the plants grow, continue to cover with 2 inches of soil as needed until crowns are 8 inches deep. If planted in rows, space rows at least 5 feet apart to reduce disease and increase yield.
  • Keep plantings well watered during the first year.
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize in late winter and then again after harvest in May. Potassium is a primary need for asparagus.
  • Number of plants per square foot: 1
  • Growing structures: None
  • Frost protection: None


  • Expect to harvest spears lightly in year 2 and 3 for about 2 weeks.  In year 4 and beyond, expect to harvest for 6-8 weeks.
    • Cut spears at ground level when they are 6-8” tall. 
  • After the harvest is over, allow stalks to grow without cutting. This is an important stage in the life cycle called fern growth. 


  • No significant pests

This crop guide information has been tailored to school garden use, particularly for Plant Hardiness Zone 7. Other resources you find may be different based on efficiencies of larger scale production systems or maximum harvest yield. If you have questions, feel free to contact Doug Vernon or your local Cooperative Extension office.