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Crop Guide – Luffa (Loofah)

Common Name Luffa or Loofah
Scientific Name Luffa aegyptiaca

Uses Edible fruit, skin care (exfoliating), cleaning sponge

Crop Timeline

  • Direct sow seeds: After soil has warmed (mid-late April)
  • Transplants: Start seeds 4-6 weeks before transplanting; transplant after last frost (mid-late April)

Planting tips

  • Choose a full sun location
  • Fertilizer: Low fertility requirements; 5-10-10 for optimal performance
  • Number of plants per square foot: 1 plant per square foot, but leave two empty rows (24 inches) on each side
  • Growing structures: trellis or fence
  • Frost protection: None


  • To eat: harvest when fruit is less than 7-inches long
  • For sponges: 90-110 days to maturity; harvest when fruit has turned brown and begun to shrivel
    • Beat dry fruit against a hard surface to loosen seeds inside for easier removal once skin is removed.
    • Soak dry fruit in warm water, peel away the “skin”
    • Clean in a 10% bleach solution


There are no major pests of concern for luffa in the school garden environment. Generally speaking, a good practice for all crops is to use crop rotation from season to season to break the life cycle of insects and soil pathogens.

This crop guide information has been tailored to school garden use, particularly for Plant Hardiness Zone 7. Other resources you find may be different based on efficiencies of larger scale production systems or maximum harvest yield. If you have questions, feel free to contact Doug Vernon or your local Cooperative Extension office.